Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dr. Mango - Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We awoke earlier and meet then divided up. I went to Dr. Uncata personal dental office where there are only about 3 private office in all of Chasiniau because there are no banks to loan money. Her mom is a dentist and they sold their 2 bedroom apartment to move into a one bed room apartment to get the money. Dr. Uncata husband is a head of Neurosurgery in Moldova and only was only making $35 per week. They sold their apartment and moved in with her brother to be able to afford her office. Her office had 1055 sq feet and 3 operatories, but was nicer than some American offices. We saw 6 kids from special needs orphange and 6 from the normal orphange. I mostly taught the one dental student with us, Brittany. I got to teach her how to extract her first 2 teeth after she told Dr. Horwitz and I that she was not cleared from the school and we told her that we were sworn professors and that we were in charge. She was very nervous, but did great. The children were well behaved and responded to care witht the help of translators and Dr. Uncata assistants. I treated a cerely palsy patient who was terrified and the other dr. thought that she might have had teeth done without extractions in past. I did 2 feelings and wanted to extract some of her decayed out first molars at the gum line, but feel that she will need an oral surgeon here or build trust for the next group. I think they will just decay out in her mouth over time. I bought lunch for the group 450 leu or about $40 that had 5 pizzas and 10 salads.

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